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경인한국학연구총서 12
Koryǒ Musin Chǒnggwon sidae Munin Chisikch'ǔngǔi Hyǒnsil Taeǔng
고려 무신정권시대 文人知識層의 현실대응
Kim Ho-dong 저
Jan. 10, 2003
1 Month
카트에 넣는 중...
This book investigates intellectual class’s status and role by studying their justice and attitude towards reality. Intellectual class represents the society of the time as they challenge historical and social situation and speak out for silent majority. It is an important task to trace what has hampered or driven the movement of social changes in order to understand the development process of the history of Korea.
Kim Ho-dong
Born in Daegu, Kyeongbuk Graduated from Yeungnam Univ. & Graduate school. (majored Korean History Education). Ph D. Professor Institue of Korean Cultural Studies Yeungnam Univ.