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경인한국학연구총서 60
Chosǒn Hugi Munjung Sǒwon Yǒn'gu
朝鮮後期 門中書院 硏究
Lee Hae-jun 저
In Stock
Kyungin Publishing Co.
274 pages
March 15, 2008
카트에 넣는 중...
This book is a research paper targeting Sŏwŏn(書院).Family Sŏwŏn(門中書院) was public confucian academy organization which converted from private family organization.This was connected force of family with social structure in public, and was more symbolic than any other family instruments. Family organization and Munjunghwa(門中化) were ethnic coping means of maintaining and strengthening their conventional status responding changes of country communities, radical limitation and contradiction of feudal ruling system in 18th ~ 19th century.
제1장 서원연구와 문중서원 제2장 문중서원의 대두 배경 제3장 문중서원 건립의 추이 - 전남지역 사례를 중심으로 제4장 제향인물의 성격 제5장 문중서원의 사회사적 성격 結論 참고문헌 부록 찾아보기
Lee Hae-jun